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To encourage bright students to select careers in science, the National Council for  Science  &  Technology  Communication,  New  Delhi  has  developed  a programme for Senior Secondary classes science students. The programme is an ongoing one and has been successfully conducted in number of universities and laboratories.   The   Council   invites   proposals   from   research   laboratories, universities, Aided institutions of the Department of Science & Technology, GOI, New  Delhi,  State  S&T  Councils  and  other  interested  scientific  institutions  for hosting MOTIVATIONAL PROGRAMMEs in their institutions.
Objectives: The main objective of this programme is to rekindle   interest   of the students in taking up pure sciences as academic and career options:
* To sensitize students about the science & technology related work going on in various laboratories, universities and scientific institutions in the country;
* To give them an exposure of various sophisticated instruments, facilities and work going on in S&T laboratories;
* To  develop  an  appreciation  about  various  research  and  applied  S&T related jobs amongst the student community;
* To develop communication, presentation and aptitude skills amongst the students.
* To inculcate scientific temper, innovative approach and method of science
Duration: Duration of the programme will be one week; which can also include a one day open house for the parents and other target groups, the programme will be highly interactive and preferably residential.
Methodology:  The  selected  students  will  closely  interact  with  the  scientists/ teachers in a national S&T laboratory  / university science departments in their region, The students will have an exposure to research methodology,  will do hands  on  experiments  to  feel  excitement  of  science,  scientists/teachers,  visit nearby S&T institution, biosphere, etc.(half a day), in a batch of  25-30 . Other activities included demonstration of scientific experiments, screening of science films, exposure to computers, handling of analytical equipment, library visit for exposure  to  science  literature,  visit  to  industrial/scientific  institutions/biosphere reserves etc. On the concluding day, competitions will be organized on report presentation, debate/speech/essay writing and others, with prizes to the winners. The `Contact Scientist’, who coordinate the programme is to select students for the programme  by  various  mechanisms  and  in  consultation  with  the  educational authorities.  NCSTC extend full financial support to the laboratory/institute for organization of such activities.
All proposals should provide brief background, work plan,   expected outcome and details.

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