Deadline: 15.09.2014
Standard Grants
With the
exception of cross-border projects, entities from at least three Visegrad
Group (V4) countries (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) must
be involved (e.g., a V4 organizer and at least two V4 partners). It is
advised, however, to include partners from all V4 countries. Any organization
or natural person in the world (with the exception of institutions
directly funded from state budgets) is eligible for the funding provided
that the proposed project has “Visegrad” features (for inspiration please
see previously awarded grants). For more details see the grant guidelines.
recipients are non-governmental civil-society and civil society organizations
(NGOs and CSOs), municipalities, schools and other public institutions.
Minimum contribution of the Fund for each Standard Grants is €6,001 and
more. The financial contribution of the Fund cannot exceed 80%
of total project costs including the in-kind contribution of the applicant,
or in-kind contributions of other subjects. The maximum time frame of the
proposed budget is 12 months (even if the projects are envisaged to
last longer).
financed within Standard Grants should fall within one of the following six
categories: cultural cooperation, scientific
exchange and research, education, youth exchange, cross-border
cooperation or promotion of tourism.
Annual budget: €2,200,000Min. budget per project: €6,001 (on average budgets run around €10–15,000)
Max. time frame: 12 months
Annual deadlines: March 15 and September 15