FCRA PROJECTGK Associatesgk foundation

Deadline: January 31, 2016
The Global Fund for Women is accepting
Letters of Interest (LOI) from women or women-led organizations for the grant
that will advance human rights of women and girls to strengthen women-led
groups based outside the United States.
Focus Areas
- Zero Violence – The goal is to end gender based violence. The organization fund and advocate for women’s and girls’ participation, empowerment, and peace building while challenging laws, policies, cultures and behavior that perpetuates discrimination, violence and abuse.
- Economic and Political Empowerment – The goal is to make all women economically secure and independent and support by policies ensuring women’s and girls’ equal rights to resources, livelihoods and political voice.
- Sexual and Reproductive Health & Rights – The goal is to make women and girls free to make their own reproductive and sexual choices. Sexual and reproductive health services and information are readily available.
Grant provided by the Global Fund
for Women ranges from $5000 to $30,000 per year for operating and project expenses.
- Organization should be based in a country outside the United States.
- Primary focus should be advancing women’s equality and human rights.
- A group of women working together are eligible. Requests from individuals are not accepted.
- Applying organization must be governed, directed, and led by women. Women must fill all or most of the leadership roles.