FCRA PROJECTGK Associatesgk foundation

Deadline: April 20, 2016.
IBM Health Corps is
a global Organization focused on tackling health disparities.IBM also
Partner with health organizations across the world.
Eligibility to Apply:-
Grants will be
awarded to public and civil sector organizations. Eligible organizations
include governmental, nonprofit and Non-governmental
organizations(NGOs)that deliver healthcare and/or health services such
as clinics, hospitals, and public health departments.
Applications are
welcome from all geographies across the World.
How to apply :-
Applications will be
accepted between March 15 and April 20, 2016.
Selection Process for funding
Phase I:
Complete Application
• Submit the online
written application at www.ibmhealthcorps.org.last date April 20, 2016
Phase II:
Project Scoping Discussion with IBM Health Corps program team
• A select number of
applicants will be invited to participate in a project scoping discussion with
the IBM Health Corps program team. This will be conducted in English by
Phase III:
Finalist Interviews
• A subset of
applications that show the most promise to yield impact from collaboration with
IBM Health Corps will be selected for finalist interviews.
Phase IV:
All Applicants Notified
• Applicants will be
informed of their selection status.